Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to link Flickr photos to my Yahoo 360?

I can VIEW my photos but I can’t LINK them back to my Yahoo 360 page like I have seen other 360 users do. When I am in my Flickr account, I click on “Blog This” only because I don’t see any other way to get my photos back to Yahoo 360. The message I get after I click “Blog This” is “You haven’t configured a blog to post to yet. Why not do that now?” So I click ‘do that now’ thinking I’ll be able to link/configure, or whatever, to my Yahoo 360 page. Wrong! Instead, I get lingo I don’t understand nor is explained anywhere. I’m asked, “What kind of blog do you have?” With the choices given in the drop down window, I’m stumped. I don’t KNOW, apparently, WHAT kind of blog I have!?!? So, now what??? Clicking on “Blog This” seemed logical at the time . . . so, like many others, HOW DO I GET MY PHOTOS ONTO MY YAHOO 360 BLOG?

How to link Flickr photos to my Yahoo 360?

This will explain how to get your URL address of your photo


Putting more then one photo in a blog
Reply:First, make sure that the photos status' on Flickr is set to PUBLIC.

Then, you can set up a Flickr photostream on your "Top Page" in 360.

- Click on your 360 "My Page" link at the top

- Click on the "Share Photos" link in your Photos module on the right side

- Scroll down to the Flickr section and follow the instructions there. Make sure that you select "Public" or "Friends" in the "Can be seen by:" dropdown before saving.

NOTE: The photos may not show up immediately - it may take 3 days in some cases. Lastly, there have been problems for people who create new Flickr accounts but use the same Yahoo ID as their Flickr ID. See http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... . So, be careful on how you set up your free Flickr account. If that's what has happened, you can change it.

teeth hurt

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