Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I want use my photo in flickr on my 360.blog?

I ask on flickr forum: i've uploaded a few pics and when i insert on yahoo 360 photo share, the id name where the photos are i get the next msg: (You currently have no public photos in Flickr.)

i've checked and they all are public. what's the matter? and how can i ifx it?

And they answer: it's a problem at 360's end, you'll need to e-mail them.

Please help me!

I want use my photo in flickr on my 360.blog?
That is true. Sorry, there is no help for this issue at this time. It simply does not work. You can't e-mail Yahoo!360 team about it because they are no longer fixing bugs.

Yahoo has decided to combine it's 3 services (360, Mash, and the regular Yahoo Members Profile) that basically accomplish the same thing (i.e. telling the world about yourself) into one service. They just haven't pinned down the "how" of creating this "universal profile". What other people call "closing", I call "reconstruction."

So, if there are things that you do like about Yahoo! 360 that you would like to see remain in tact, you should state those aspects on the Y!360 team's blog at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/product_360 . That is also where you can read about the changes in store for Y!360.

Regarding your pictures, there are other ways to put pictures on your 360, please see my answer here:

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