Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Question Regarding The Migration From Yahoo Photos To Flickr?

Hi Guys,

My girlfriend has a lot of pictures that she's kept on Yahoo Photos for quite some time now. Because the service is coming to an end, she's being forced to change over to Flickr. She has a bunch of public ones, but also ones of herself and family that are personal and that she'd rather were not visible to the public. She's managed to get all but one of these ones private except for one solitary photo that for some reason has slipped through the net. It is not visible if you go to Flickr, but it does appear as a thumbnail image on her Yahoo 360 page amongst all thepublic ones. Is there a way for it to be deleted from the 360 page without mucking it up on Flickr?

Question Regarding The Migration From Yahoo Photos To Flickr?
She should change the picture to private in Flickr anyway. Then, it will not likely update on 360 right away. She should wait a few days to see if it disappears from view on her 360 and photostream.

If she REALLY needs to delete a photo, she must delete it in Flickr. The change will appear in 360 a day or two later. However, in 360, a picture is not available message will appear in it's place if it's among the thumbnails shown on the Top Page. She would need to add a replacement picture to make that placeholder disappear. Then, again, wait for the 360 to update.

That's the main key: Changes made to the photostream will take a few days to update in 360. So, it's a waiting game whether she makes the photo private or deletes it.

NOTE: She didn't have to move to Flickr. It's just that if she wants to use the photos module on her Top Page, then that's the only service that she can transfer to. If she doesn't care about that module, she could have used the automatic transfer to move the pics to Photobucket.

She can still MANUALLY upload the pictures to a service like Google Picasa or Photobucket, plus anywhere that provides a URL and/or EMBED code for each picture) for use on web pages or blogs. Most of those services have an easy upload tool so that those pics don't need to be uploaded one by one, if she chooses that option at a later date.
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