Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Flickr sucks, why?

Flickr has "Guidelines" that it treats as laws. What part of Guidelines' definition does Flickr management NOT UNDERSTAND?

From Wikipedia: "A guideline is any document that aims to streamline particular processes according to a set routine. By definition, following a guideline is never mandatory (protocol would be a better term for a mandatory procedure)."

Flickr sucks, why?
Why make a fuss about interpretation. Those guidelines are for your protection as well as everyone else's. Think of them as morals. Morals were the origin of laws, so we are not that far removed are we?

Guidelines are laws we impose ourselves; i.e. self-moderation. Take it away and Yahoo has to employ 10s of 1000s of moderators and then we would all have to pay a fortune for it.

Guidelines therefore become the laws of reason.
Reply:excuse me....Rj...who is flickr???

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