Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why did my flickr photostream cannot display on my 360 page?

when i click on the link "share photos" on my 360 page, it tells me "You currently have no public photos in Flickr." . Why? i have many public photos. Yahoo! told me that i have to wait, but i've waited for some week!

Why did my flickr photostream cannot display on my 360 page?
How do I share photos with Yahoo! 360?

Yahoo! 360° is a separate service, but we do have some basic instructions to get you started.

If you're a new Yahoo! 360° user, go through the process to set up your page. When you're done, go to your My Page and click "Share Photos." You'll find a link to share images from your Flickr photostream.

Note: It may take several hours or longer for Yahoo! 360° to update your Flickr photos. Also, when you delete a photo from Flickr, it will show as unavailable on 360° until the content on your page is refreshed. If you're having trouble using 360° or if your Flickr photos aren't updating there, contact the 360° support team. (Choose the "Ask Other Yahoo! 360° Users" to start the contact process.)

Reply:Yahoo have problems with photos on profiles and 360 see below for yahoo staff post in flickr forum

STAFF RESPONSE: "Hey there- so you know, we know this is a problem when it sends you round and about like this and we're trying to have this resolved with the folks who work on the Profiles site.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Reply:Bottom line, the Flickr photostream is not working for many people. It's not updating at this time. Y!360 is working on the problem.

Make sure that you have done the following:

- Click on your 360 "My Page" link at the top

- Click on the "Share Photos" link in your Photos module on the right side

- Scroll down to the Flickr section and follow the instructions there. If you need to click "Change User" to update the stream with a different Flickr ID.

- Make sure that you select a group in the "Can be seen by:" dropdown before saving.

NOTE: The photos may not show up immediately (it can take 3 days in some cases). The photos must also be PUBLIC in Flickr FIRST. Make sure to check how other people view your page by clicking on the drop down menu "Preview as seen by" at the top right of your 360 "My Page". Choose a permission group and click the "Go" button.

If you've done above and it's not showing up after a week, click on your "Beta Feedback" link in the top right corner of your 360 space and send in a Help form on this Technical Problem. They may take a week to a month to respond (if at all), but they do read the messages to track 360-wide problems.

Lastly, there are other ways to display pictures in 360 like via the blog entry upload tool, drag and drop, a blog slideshow widget or RSS feeds. See my post here on that:


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